New Danish collaboration aims to increase bicycle tourism in Denmark
Bicycle tourism is an increasingly popular way to spend your holiday in Denmark. Now a group of Danish tourism organisations wants to highlight this sustainable way of traveling further by focusing their marketing efforts on Østersøruten, the Baltic Sea route, during the upcoming years.
Last year, one million foreign tourists bicycled in Denmark. The bicycle tourists spent 9.6 million nights in Denmark during 2017, with 6.6 million nights spent by foreigners.
Six destinations - Destination Funen, Destination Lillebælt, VisitVestsjælland, VisitSydsjællandMøn, Business Lolland-Falster and Destination Sønderjylland - has partnered with Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme (Danish Coastal and Nature Tourism), Danish Cycling Tourism and VisitDenmark for a three-year partnership with the purpose of marketing the newly opened Østersøruten - the Baltic Sea Route. The route is the longest national bicycle route in Denmark, connecting a large part of southern Denmark through a 820 kilometer long cycling route.
Rasmus Jarlov, Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, positively welcomes the new bicycling co-operation. "Denmark is known worldwide as a bicycling country and with this image we have a huge potential when tourists chooses their holiday destinations. I am therefore pleased with the new agreement, which means that there now will be an increased marketing effort of the new Baltic Sea Route, " Jarlov explains in a press release from VisitDenmark.
With Østersøruten- The Baltic Sea Route - tourists have a spectacular opportunity to sustainably travel through Denmark by bike, going from Zealand to Jutland and experiencing all in between.