Making sustainable travel mainstream
A new report shows optimistic results regarding changing perspectives and efforts on travelling sustainably. The report indicates that it is possible to make sustainable travel mainstream - and the time is now.
The Impact Travel Alliance have released a report with an optimistic view and guidelines on how to make average travel sustainable. The Executive Director Kelley Louise explains that the biggest effort is now to reach beyond sustainability only being a niche and getting the average traveler engaged in sustainability efforts. The report reveals that people are all the more interested in sustainability, with 60 % of all leisure travelers sometime having travelled sustainably.
The report highlights three efforts to be able increase the sustainability efforts of travelers:
1. Engaging partners at grassroots as well as corporate levels by storytelling, collaborations and community building
2. Adding sustainable offers and incentives to complement traditional business activities
3. Using technology. that has revolutionized the way costumers communicate with brands. for your benefit
With these efforts, the report indicates that sustainability can be implemented as more of a core value in the travel industry in general. Louise also emphasizes that the report is not only a general analysis but also acts as a guidebook for others as well as a call to action.