Too good to go opens a store in Frederiksberg
Too Good To Go is expanding their food waste concept and opens a store in the heart of Frederiksberg, where excess food from wholesalers are sold cheap.
Too Good To Go fights food waste by helping restaurants, and other businesses providing food, by selling their excess food and not letting it go to waste. Organic products, beer, vegetables and juices among other things can be saved through their app and be picked up at their new location in Frederiksberg.
The opening ceremony of the new To Good To Go store was held on the warmest day of the year. HRH Princess Marie attended the grand opening and listened to presentations held by the CEO of Too Good To Go, Mette Lykke as well as Selina Juul, the founder of the Stop Wasting Food movement in Denmark (Stop Spild Af Mad). The princess then received the first bag of food from the store, which marked the official opening of the store.
"This connects to some old fashioned values that still make sense to people. It is lovely to save the climate but it is also nice save some money" the CEO of Too Good To Go Mette Lykke explained.
Too Good To Go is an international organization with a global mindset. The organization was founded in Denmark and still have their headquarters in Copenhagen with several local offices around Europe.