Study of 42 hotels in 15 countries reveals the financial benefits of food waste reduction in the hotel sector
Food waste is a global problem that needs to be tackled. According to a new international study, hotels should not be afraid of implementing food waste reduction programs as it brings along sustainable as well as financial benefits.
It is estimated that one-third of all the food that is intended for humans are either lost or wasted. This enormous amount of food waste has significant impact on economic, social and environmental aspects. Reducing food waste can therefore generate huge benefits for the market as well as the actors. A global study was carried out within the hotel sector, analyzing the economical impact of implementing food waste reduction programs at hotels. The study examined 42 hotels located in 15 countries and the results showed a convincing positive outcome for hotels implementing these food waste reduction programs. The following were the main results of the study:
The average food waste reduction benefit-cost ratio was close to 7:1, calculated over a three-year time span.
70 % of the hotels that had implemented a food waste reduction program recouped their investment within the first year. 95 % of all hotels studied had recouped their investment within two years.
There did not seem to be any correlation between the benefit-cost ratio and the geographic or market segment of a hotel.
Food waste reduction seemed to best be initiated though measuring food waste, engaging staff, reconstructing the buffet, lowering the food overproduction as well as reusing excess food.